The Anniversary at Gibb’s Farm


(1) Riziki Kateya Erythrina Abysinnica, off-set lithography from water color original in the Sanaa Gallery collection.  A Commissioned Sanaa work.

Sanaa Art Gallery Collection installed in each cottage.  Select works have been commissioned to carry the theme and lesson of the house.

  1. Bullet Augustino Axwesso  1991


From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Axwesso Marmo 1989

Flower Garden

From Moshi Village

  1. Bullet Charles Lema 1965

Lead Guide, Driver & Mechanic. Formerly farm carpenter.

From Moshi Village

  1. Bullet Habiye Yohani 1985

Vegetable Garden

From Tloma village

  1. Bullet Christian Arusha  1988

Dining Room leader

From Karatu Village

  1. Bullet Dionisia Philipo 1988

Vegetable Farm

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Elias Matay 1992 

Former Agriculture & Geography teacher, currently accounts leader.

From Karatu Town

  1. Bullet Leopard Yameld1992   Currently Cost Controller, formerly purchasing, stores and Accounts.

From Karatu Town

  1. Bullet Malaas Slarhhi  1990

Driver of the tractor and farm vehicles, Garage Mechanic.

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Msacky Ambrosi  1987  

from the Kilimanjaro region, Once the farm radio clerk, now in charge of the gift shop. 

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Nade Amsi 1991


From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Petro Bura1990

Garage Department, vehicle driver.  He has been Fortson ever since driving the tractor of the same name.

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Petro Bura1990

Garage Department, vehicle driver.  He has been Fortson ever since driving the tractor of the same name.

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet P Daudi Lolay  1980
    Flower Garden Herb Master

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Richard Doriyet Boay  1988

Dining Room Captain

From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Safari Qamara  1983

Housekeeping, formerly Dobi Laundry

From Tloma Village


(2) Gibb’s Farmhouse as built by Dr. Albert Freiherr von Poelnitz in the 1930’s left and living room fireplace still used today, below

(3) Original  cottage #11 built the last 1960’s.  Painted by French artist Denis Clavreul when he was in residence in 2005.

(4) Knock-down cottage parts brought down from Kenya in 1972

(5) Cottages built in the 1990’s brings total count to 20 units.

Loyal Farmhand Brothers

of Gibb’s Farm

Brothers Abdi (L) & Yahya Hussein (R):  Both work in the Flower Garden Dept. Abdi 9999 firewood, brother Yahya 9999 is the Estate Forester. In the photograph they are contributing to the lively ngoma song during Olympics Week 2008.

Brothers Lohay (L) & Paskali Gwandy (R):  Lohay 1997, works in the dining room, formerly from kitchen, Paskali 1995, Naturalist, formerly the leader of the flower garden for over 11 years.

Brothers Joseph (L) & Emmanual Lohay (R):  Joseph 2001, Assistant Manager of Gibb’s Farm and Sales Manager. Formerly dining room and accounts. Emmanual 2005, Reservations.

Brothers Petro (L), Samwel (M), Lulu Ezekiel  Qwaridi (R):  Petro 1989 manages the Vegetable and Coffee farms; Samwel Madangi 1988 is a leader in the Farm Kitchen; younger brother Lulu 1997, works with Samwel in the kitchen.

Brothers John (L) & Moses Dohho (R):

John1990, Flower and Grounds, Moses 1990,  

Housekeeping. Formerly in the dining room and reception.  From Tloma Village.


The coffee estate of Gibb’s Farm has been operating for eighty years. Numerous milestones have passed during these eight decades. The Swahili culture views time in two ways, 'big and small' or Sasa and Zamani. Sasa time refers to events that recently occurred or will likely occur in the near future. Zamani time extends this view much deeper in time.  Like looking through a window of time, Zamani looks back through the generations. 

In recognition of the many generations of events surrounding Gibb's Farm the Anniversary House shares a few of examples. A most important milestone are the numerous long-serving employees of the Farm.  Of the 150 employees, 20 have loyally work on the farm for over 15 years, four sets of brothers also work on the Farm.

Peter Ray's commissioned work Zamani Windows (right and below) celebrates the visitor's memories and tales of their visit to the farm, pausing for a respite from the rigors of safari. The voices speak to us through a window of time, reading such letters the words are as fresh as if they were written today.

A most important milestone are the numerous long-serving employees of the Farm.  Of the 150 employees, 20 have loyally work on the farm for over 15 years, four sets of brothers also work on the Farm.

Milestones of the CommunityUnder the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, Britain received a League of Nations mandate to administer the Tanganyika territory for the first time.

  1. BulletIn 1929 farm cultivation began by Poeinitz’s predecessor.

  2. BulletDr. Albert Freiherr von Poelnitz, a German Duke built the first bit of the farmhouse in 1935. It was only 35 square meters divided into bedroom, dining room, studio and pantry. See photograph right of the original farmhouse still used. (2) Its construction recorded by the Dr in a book published in the 1030’s and celebrated in the Deutch House.

  3. BulletBritish government's placed Tanganyika under UN trusteeship in 1947

  4. Bullet1948 retired British war veteran James Gibb acquired the farm and began coffee production.  He marrying Margaret in 1958. A Erythrina Abysinnica tree was planted on that day. The tree has been captured by botanical artist Riziki Kateya (1), SANAA artist-in-residence.

  5. BulletIn 1961, Tanzania became independent. See LINK for a historical summary.

  6. BulletJames and Margaret built cottages in 1972. The original five rooms, now restored with the names of Oldupai, Deutch and this house, Anniversary were the first traveler accommodations.  Denis D, an artist-in-residence, painted Oldupai (3) in 2005. Oiled soaked wood clad buildings were erected down the hill from the five.  See photograph right (4).


Anniversaries to celebrate

among the farmhands working over 15 years

(A Work In Progress)

  1. Bullet smail Gobre


From Tloma Village

  1. Bullet Sillo Bombo  1989

Dining Room, Former Watchman, Stores, Flowers, Housekeeping, Farmyard.

From Tloma Vilalge